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Título : Análisis de la pequeña y mediana empresa (PYME) como estrategia para el desarrollo económico y social. Caso de estudio: Parque Industrial “Los Tanques” de Villa de Cura, Edo. Aragua
Autor : Vásquez Aguilera, Williams Argénis
González Antiveros, Arelis Josefina
Palabras clave : Economic development
Social development
Gerencia de administración de empresas
GDP growth cluster
Industrial park
Fecha de publicación : feb-2016
Resumen : In this study Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is analyzed as a strategy for economic and social development, case study: "industrial park Villa de Cura, Edo. Aragua ". Since today it is necessary to bet and invest in a development process that will promote economic and social welfare, it is no easy task, because it is complicated and expensive; also a process of development must be built and planned, use their productive capacity, analyze strengths and weaknesses. For some countries the creation of industrial parks (SMEs), has served to enhance their economic and social development; especially the strategy of creating "clusters" or groups of companies working in the same industry, as in the case of the automotive industry. We worked with a sample of 42 companies a total of 110 active for the time of the study. This research is the basis for other researchers who want to delve into the issue of the situation of SMEs in Venezuela and whether these may or may not contribute significantly to GDP, and economic and social development. In countries like Mexico SMEs proved to be an important support for the development, in developed instead SMEs economies are not major contributors to the development and in the case of Europe and Asia, SMEs if they have managed strengthened and consolidated as an important group worth analyzing, for their achievements, without mentioning the environment where they operate. The case study for the area reveals that the group of SMEs currently has no stage or appropriate environment to operate at full speed and be a strategic option for economic and social development.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/5797
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