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Título : Electromagnetic interaction models for the characterization of targets in SAR scenes: preliminary literature review
Otros títulos : Modelos de interacción electromagnética para la caracterización de blancos en escenas SAR: revisión preliminar de la literatura
Autor : Zozaya, A. J.
Palabras clave : Electromagnetic interaction
Synthetic aperture radar SAR
Backscatter coefficient
Electromagnetic properties of matter and rocks
Interaccion electromagnética
Radares de apertura sintética SAR
Propiedades electromagnéticas de la materia y de las rocas
Coeficiente de retrodispersión
Fecha de publicación : abr-2015
Editorial : Universidad de Carabobo
Citación : Volumen 22. Abril 2015;Nro 1
Resumen : This paper deals with the revision of literature on electromagnetic interaction models for characterizing targets from synthetic aperture radar SAR data. The primary motivation of this review is to encourage the creation of a research area on synthetic aperture radars within the Ecuadorian Space Institute. This document contains a brief review of the basic principles of synthetic aperture radar, the mechanisms of interaction of electromagnetic fields with matter, polarimetry basics and its use for characterization of targets in SAR scenes. A set of thesis topics for both undergraduate and graduate levels are proposed at the end. Keywords: electromagnetic interaction, synthetic aperture radar SAR, reflectance, backscatter coefficient, reflectivity, electromagnetic properties of matter and rocks, polarimetry.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1102
ISSN : 1316-6832
Aparece en las colecciones: (Tecnología) Articulos

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