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Título : Niveles de glicemia como predictor de la evolución en pacientes con enfermedad cerebrovascular hemorrágica
Autor : Argenti Pereira, Marisela Natividad
Rodríguez Yusti, Carlos José Mauricio
Palabras clave : Glicemia
ECV hemorrágico
Escala NIHSS
Hemorrhagic stroke
NIHSS scale
Medicina interna
Fecha de publicación : oct-2014
Resumen : The association between hyperglycemia and cerebral injury was described in the IXX century since then, hyperglycemia is recognized as a common phenomenon associated with increased morbidity and mortality in neurocríticas diseases such as hemorrhagic stroke. Objective: linking blood sugar levels with the development of hemorrhagic CVD patients admitted for Internal Medicine at the Central Hospital of Maracay, Aragua State from January to June 2014 Methodology: fieldwork, prospective, correlational, was made of longitudinal section. The sample consisted of 27 patients. Random blood glucose levels at admission was quantified and then fasted for the same average. NIHSS scale was applied on admission, 7 days, 14 days and 21 days. The data obtained in the information collected, processed statistically using SPSS 19.0 for Windows package view room. The Student t test was used in the version for comparison of means of independent groups. Also to compare changes in glycemia and NIHSS score. Test and Fisher's Exact Test extension Freeman Halton was used to determine if there was significant association between categories of nominal variables. Results: The mean age 60-79 years. Higher percentage of male patients with hypertension associated. Blood glucose levels decreased progressively over the deceased patients like the punntaje of NIHSS although this was not significant. A positive and significant relationship between blood glucose levels and NIHSS score at admission was observed.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/5601
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