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Título : Características clínico epidemiológicas de recién nacidos con infección urinaria, ingresados en el servicio de neonatología de la Ciudad Hospitalaria “Dr. Enrique Tejera”, año 2014
Autor : Rosas, María Alejandra
Acevedo Talarn, Paola Carolina
Palabras clave : Infección tracto urinario
Recién nacidos
Urinary tract infection
Fecha de publicación : 2015
Resumen : Urinary Tract Infection is an entity induced by microbial growth in the urinary tract, being a common problem of infection in infants. Objective: To establish the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of infants with urinary tract infection, admitted to the neonatology City Hospital "Dr. Enrique Tejera ", 2014. Materials and methods: experimental investigation, retrospective, transversal and descriptive. Population represented by RN graduates with infectious diagnoses (712 infants), confirming the ITU only 25 infants. a tab data collection of clinical records, calculated in Excel tables and graphs presented in absolute and relative frequency was applied. Results: 72% male, with a ratio M: F 2.5 / 1. 56% presented belatedly infection. 56% of pregnancies were monitored and 72% of these had infectious background. Frequent clinical manifestations: fever (68%), followed by jaundice and neurological disorders (36 and 32%, respectively). For diagnostic analysis of samples collected through the collection bag in 100% of the RN we were used; fully presented alterations Gram, 92% and 80% leucocituria positive nitrites. The most common pathogen was E. coli (46%), there was no microbial isolation in 48% of cases. 46.7% had urological abnormalities Conclusions: The ITU is an infectious severe problem with major consequences in the future. underregistration possible difficulty was identified in the diagnosis in the absence of conducting uronalisis and / or urine Gram most RN considered at risk of sepsis. So it is recommended to promote the proper management of multidisciplinary RN at entry and exit of the institution. Keywords: urinary
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/5227
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