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Título : Actividad antimicrobiana in vitro del extracto foliar de zabila (Aloe vera L.) en microorganismos de interés clínico
Otros títulos : Antimicrobial activity of leaf extract of zabila (Aloe vera L.) in growth of clinical microbes
Autor : Reyes de Fuentes, Doris
Fernández Da Silva, Rafael
Palabras clave : Bactericidal
Ethanol extract
Extracto etanólico
Fecha de publicación : dic-2014
Editorial : Universidad de Carabobo
Citación : Vol.18 Diembre 2014;Nro 3
Resumen : Antimicrobial activity of leaf extract of zabila (Aloe vera L.) in growth of clinical microbes The zabila is a plant of great medical and pharmaceutical interest, for its various and numerous medicinal properties in diseases of different origin, corroborating the effect in vitro and in vivo of extracts. This study evaluated the antimicrobial activity with macro dilution method, in the ethanol extract of Aloe vera leaf (5-80%),qualitatively by the turbidity of the culture in liquid medium and quantitatively in colony forming units (CFU) on solid medium. Determined the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), bactericidal (BIC) and fungicidal (FIC), in 50 uL of the inoculum of microorganisms of clinical interest such as Candida albicans complex, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus at 37°C for 24 and 48 h. Found that at 24 hours, MIC was 35, 40 and 55% and BIC was 40, 45 and 60% for E. coli, P. aeruginosa and S. aureus , respectively, whereas C. albicans , the MIC and MFC were 55 and 60% respectively. After 48 hours of culture MIC was 30, 35 and 25% and BIC was 35, 40 and 30% for E. coli, P. aeruginosa and S. aureus, respectively, whereas C. albicans , the MIC and MFC were 40 and 45% respectively. The 48 h exposure to the leaf extract of Aloe vera L has great potential biocide for these clinically important microorganisms, can be effectively used in the production of generic drugs of low economic value to treat conditions caused by them in the future, once the legal validation in vivo , allowing their final commercial use are made.
URI : http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1057
ISSN : 1316-7138
Deposito Legal: pp 199702CA966
Aparece en las colecciones: (Salud) Articulos

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